The course content is tailored to the clients’ needs.
Spend time in class conversing and solving topics from work and not only improve your English, but also save time. We will prepare an individual learning plan for you and your +1 that suits your level, needs, goals and schedule. In a flexible triad with a tutor, you’ll hone exactly the skills you need most.
Develop your professional English and save time at work. Enrol in our tailor-made "DUO" course, for example with a colleague, and improve your English by solving work tasks together. For pairs with common topics, course content can be selected to reflect the needs of the course participants at the time. We often draw on work materials and use class time to not only improve English but also to solve work questions and problems.
Topics may change and develop during your time with us according to your current needs. In the "DUO" course there is more space for questions, discussion, and interaction with the tutor. Lecturers will give you much more frequent feedback, which will speed up the learning process.
Individual English lessons can vary in length, form and content. The course can be taken both offline and online, whichever suits you better. If you are not sure if online lessons "fit" you, you can try one lesson, which we will then include in the payment for the whole package. We will tailor the specific study plan and other terms to suit your requirements and needs.
The course is designed for pairs whose language level is compatible and who want to work on the same topics and develop in the same area. For example, the course works well for colleagues who want to develop in professional topics from their real-life practice. We will be happy to prepare a curriculum from real practice materials that suits your level, goals and timetable. You will be pleasantly surprised by its content, which goes beyond pure language teaching.
V roku 2020 sme ako prvá jazyková škola na Slovensku získali medzinárodnú akreditáciu od EAQUALS a doteraz sme na Slovensku jediní. EAQUALS je garantom kvality jazykového vzdelávania pre školy v medzinárodnom prostredí.
The Bridge English Language Centre specializes in English language teaching. We offer various themed courses, at different times and in different forms. Our students are well prepared for Cambridge University exams. We actively prepare students for Business English certificates, international legal English certificates, first English certificates, advanced language certificates, and more.
For all our clients we provide services
I can't imagine a better teacher than Mary, we really clicked. I really appreciate that you do your best to assign teachers to students also based on personality and character.