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Get In Touch With Us.

Feel free to give us a call or send us an e-mail and we will be sure to get back to you as soon as possible.

Do you have any questions?

Get in touch, we are ready to answer all your questions. We are just a click away 🙂

Practical information

Opening hours

Monday Od 9:00 do 16:30
Tuesday Od 9:00 do 16:30
Wednesday Od 9:00 do 16:30
Thursday Od 9:00 do 16:30
Friday Od 9:00 do 16:30

Invoicing details

The Bridge
Ladice 330
951 77 Zlaté Moravce

Company ID:   42208483
Tax number:  2820018696

Bank:  VÚB banka, a.s. ,
Account  number:   304 634 7054/0200

IBAN: SK4702000000003046347054

Reg.:Ministerstvo vnútra SR, 11. 1. 2012
číslo spisu: VVS/1-900/90-388 50

Don’t lose touch with English

Where can you find us?

Right in the Old Town of Bratislava, it is easy to get to us by public transport.

We are close to the following bus / tram stops:

Zochova, Kapucínska, Námestie SNP & Poštová (Martinus)