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Being a native speaker is not enough

The aim of our workshop is to share the experience with you and give you information that we believe will help you in making decisions for quality teachers or a language school.

There is a strong myth that the native speaker is the most important factor in learning a foreign language. We often come across this requirement, many of you put this requirement as the first in choosing a lecturer.

But is it really important? Is it the right choice always and for everyone? After all, we are also Slovaks and, although Slovak is our native language, our Slovak teachers have been studying at university for 5 years. And in general, hand on heart, how many of us could learn Slovak? Our birth certificate or passport says very little about our skills to teach our mother language to other people.

None of us fell wisely from heaven, and teaching others is a skill to be mastered, you need to know how to do it. Excellent results are not guaranteed by the “native speaker”, but by qualified teachers and lecturers.

Many of us at The Bridge have been teaching and working as lecturers for over 20 years, and as an internationally accredited EAQUALS school, we have demanding criteria for selecting lecturers. However, there are a few simple and proven ways to check the quality of a lecturer or school, even if it is not accredited.

We look forward to seeing you on April 7th, 2022 from 2-3p.m. on ZOOM, where we will discuss:

– What to ask to find out if the school or lecturer we are considering is really TOP?

– We will give you examples of good practice: What do qualified lecturers do, or not do?

– Final discussion

Prečo native speaker nestačí