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E-book: English crosswords FOR FREE

In cooperation with ŠEVT, we have prepared an e-book with English crosswords, in which you can revise vocabulary for various everyday situations. You can find topics like travelling, shopping, holidays, traffic or accomodation. If you send your completed crosswords to ŠEVT, you can receive a present from them. Download our new e-book and have fun … Continued

Do you have 10 years of experience, or one year repeated 10 times?

We talked to our Director of Studies, Andrea Záhumenská, about our teacher development program, which won the prize for the best corporate educational program at the Learning and Development Awards this year. What were your main objectives in designing the teacher development program? The main goal was to have a professional teaching team that is … Continued

Authenticity in our classrooms

Workshop info In our 90-minute workshop we will explore what teacher authenticity might mean in practice and whether it has a role to play in students feeling more comfortable about being in classrooms and learning more English. Tony Wright thinks that the ‘authentic teacher’ is a work in progress, forever taking opportunities for learning (about … Continued

Sharpening the Saw: Finding Ways to Renew Our Energy as Teachers

Workshop info Teaching is a rewarding yet demanding profession that requires continuous energy and dedication. However, among the daily challenges, it’s essential for teachers to prioritize self-care and find ways to replenish their energy reserves. In this discussion led session, we’ll explore the concept of “sharpening the saw,” as advocated by Stephen Covey, and discuss/share … Continued

A rapper from Venezuela

Meet Hector Machado, a talented rapper from Venezuela with big dreams of leaving his mark on Slovakia’s music scene. It’s quite the departure from his previous gig as a tour guide in Bratislava’s old town, isn’t it? Despite the contrast, Hector’s outgoing nature and warm personality helped him land his first job in Slovakia just … Continued

Humanism in the Classroom: what it means in practice

Workshop info We’ll start in workshop mode with participants answering, for themselves, some straightforward questions about their own practices. From there we’ll move to a brief presentation about the roots of Humanism and how these influences have played out in language teaching and learning. We’ll then consider some of the obstacles to implementing a humanistic … Continued

E-book: Green lesson plans for EFL teachers

Introducing our latest offering for fellow EFL teachers: our brand-new E-book designed to integrate green topics into your language lessons. Dive into our new E-book and discover ten engaging topics, each accompanied by ready-made lesson plans tailored for various language proficiency levels. Explore themes like Greenwashing, the climate crisis, volunteering, and more, while training essential … Continued

Andrea Záhumenská: I believe that teaching can be an incredibly rewarding profession.

Can you provide a brief overview of your background and expertise? I have been teaching English for over twenty years and working with teachers for over twelve years. I am currently the Director of Studies at The Bridge. I hold a Trinity TESOL diploma and an EMCC accreditation for trainers. What are the main takeaways … Continued

Judit Fehér: Embracing Humility Through Global Challenges and the Art of Dance.

Can you provide a brief overview of your background and expertise? I come from a nice old Hungarian town, Eger, where I received my first degree in English and Hungarian. Then I moved to Budapest, where I am still based. I started teaching in Budapest and continued my studies, too. I have taught every age … Continued

Zuzana Labašová: We all have endless ideas, plans, wishes and dreams in our lives. At the same time, we all inhabit one planet with limited resources and space for life.

Can you provide a brief overview of your background and expertise? A migrant in childhood, an inhabitant of a tiny rural island, who still actively builds on this experience in her work. A psychologist dedicated to education. A lector of global education and critical thinking, who uses elements of experiential teaching and storytelling.  Executive director … Continued