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a Grow Model

A GROW MODEL is a practical coaching model used in interviews, meetings and in daily team management. It was created in the 1980s and since it is a simple and efficient tool, it has become the world’s most popular coaching model for solving problems, setting goals and improving performance. A GROW MODEL is an excellent … Continued

The Bridge on Air: Nasi from Iran – a stand-up comedian from Silné reči

Here is another episode of our podcast! You will hear something about humour on stage and what it is like to live in a country where no one speaks your mother tongue. The Iranian Nasi comes from Tehran and came to Slovakia with all her family when she was 15. She speaks Slovak very well, … Continued

The Bridge On Air podcast – A storyteller from Malaysia

We prepared another episode of our podcast Bridge on Air! Miša Vrábová invited an interesting guest. Hon Chong founded the first English improv theatre in Slovakia called Funnylicious Improv Theater. It is the only one of its kind here. The theatre does not have its own building, but the group performs anyway. In the podcast, … Continued

The Bridge On Air: An Indian in Slovakia

Listen to Shrey Kadam, who shares his experience and impressions about living in Slovakia.The interview is a blend of humor, cultural insights, and personal stories, offering a glimpse into the life of a foreigner adapting to a new country. Listen to Shrey and download your worksheet. The Bridge On Air na Spotify The Bridge On … Continued

6 TIPS how to learn English watching movies and TV shows

Hundreds of TV channels, an account on Netflix,, YouTube, and other web portals have led us to believe that films are king! However, lovers of good films and series are clear about where to look for “quality material”. It is necessary to find the needle in the haystack. There are many possibilities. Choosing the … Continued


We have dedicated several years to teaching foreign languages. We make it our priority to provide the most efficient tuition methods for those students who choose to improve their English in our language centre and recognize that satisfied customers make the best advertisements for our services. EVERYBODY WANTS TO LEARN EFFICIENTLY AND QUICKLY Since 2017 … Continued

the Bridge re-boot camp 2018

PEDAGOGICAIKU I don’t teach students I don’t even teach course books What I teach is me.* Education should open minds, broaden horizons and challenge beliefs. As the world changes, we as teachers, also have to change our professional and personal skills by taking advantage of opportunities for learning/re-learning through CPD, such as The Bridge Reboot … Continued

Learn English on the beach – no registration or fees required!

Article from For everybody that wants to improve their English, the Bridge English language centre will be delivering lessons on the banks of the Danube. For the entire summer visitors to Magio beach at Tyršovo nábrežie can practice English conversation with teachers from the Bridge. Mgr. Klaudia Bednárová, Director of the Bridge, says: “Our … Continued

Let’s give children theatre in English

Join us everyone: together we will help children and young people in unusual life situations to find their way to the theatre in English. As part of the international festival of English-speaking theatres Bridgin´V4 (its second edition is coming in March 2017), we have prepared two theatre productions for children and young people associated with the … Continued

Right course for your legal career

Are you a lawyer and would you like to enhance your qualifications? Do you own a law firm and plan to direct your activities at English-speaking clients? Perhaps law and English are your hobbies? Do you want to kill two birds with one stone? If your answer is “yes” to at least one of the … Continued