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Sharpening the Saw: Finding Ways to Renew Our Energy as Teachers

Workshop info

Teaching is a rewarding yet demanding profession that requires continuous energy and dedication. However, among the daily challenges, it’s essential for teachers to prioritize self-care and find ways to replenish their energy reserves. In this discussion led session, we’ll explore the concept of “sharpening the saw,” as advocated by Stephen Covey, and discuss/share practical strategies to renew our energy as teachers.

When: 21st May, 5pm – 6:30pm CET

Where: Online/ZOOM

Key topics covered:

·        Understanding the concept of “sharpening the saw” and its relevance to teaching.

·        Identifying common energy drains and stressors in the teaching profession.

·        Exploring various techniques for self-care and energy renewal

·        Sharing personal experiences and insights on maintaining balance and well-being in the teaching profession

Speakers: Mike Shreeve and Andrea Záhumenská

Mike Shreeve served as a school director and an HR manager. His management experience became useful in his current professional training role, where he acts as a coach and a mentor to managers and HR professionals. He has designed the NLP and Coaching Skills, and the Teaching Students with Special Needs and Inclusive Learning courses at the Pilgrims teacher training centre. He is an active relationship coach as well as a certified instructor at the European Mentoring & Coaching Council. Other than business coaching and mentoring, Mike is also involved in coaching children with learning disabilities. Some of his most recent projects include a teacher training programme in Ethiopia aimed at improving coaching skills and feedback, together with a programme for our teachers here at The Bridge aimed at using coaching skills in teaching English.

Andrea Zahumenska is currently the Director of Studies at the Bridge English Language Centre in Bratislava, Slovakia.  She has presented at a number of ELT conferences and delivered a range of external training sessions to English teachers. Andrea holds a Trinity TESOL Diploma and has recently gained EMCC coaching accreditation. She believes that teachers can and do make a real difference to students‘ lives and that they can have a positive influence on students that resonates beyond the classroom.  She also believes that teaching is a dynamic and evolving profession and that the best teachers believe in lifelong learning and continually strive for personal development.

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