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Prečítajte si čo sa nové deje v našej škole. Píšeme nielen o učení angličtiny, ale aj o zaujímavých aktivitách a našich šikovných študentoch.

No freedom till we’re equal.

The upcoming referendum on the tightening of the legal definition of ‘family’ in Slovakia is a political issue that is causing much public discussion. The interesting aspect of this discussion is that the scope for balance and positivity is relatively low. We can look at examples in the media. An article from ‘The Economist’ gives … Continued

A Good Many Reasons to Like this Place

Since moving to Bratislava, I have been consistently amazed at the civic awareness of its inhabitants. Here on this blog, I would like to take the opportunity to note my observations on the ways in which many Slovaks, as well as my workplace The Bridge, are doing their part to contribute to the wider community. … Continued

Celebrating Halloween: Eat, Drink and Be Scary

Who doesn’t like dip? Around mid-October I was shocked to find out that Slovakia doesn’t celebrate Halloween. So, I downloaded Halloween crosswords and Tabboo cards and set to work teaching my students all about witches and monsters and guising. It was weird looking at Halloween from the other end of the telescope. “What’s a Cyclops?” … Continued

Confessions of an English-Nomad

Slovakia is the third country to have consented to letting me teach its citizens a bit about my native tongue. In autumn 2012, I blew into a lycée on the northwestern coast of France to assist a team of five frazzled English teachers prepare their students for the all-important baccalauréat exam. On my first day … Continued

Give me 5

“I can’t speak Slovak.” Naša native speakerka Alona o tom, ako sa učia deti na Slovensku. I moved here bright eyed and bushy tailed thinking that the language barrier would be no problem and that I would surely pick up Slovak through osmosis. As you can probably guess, this turned out to be rather naive. So, I am slowly … Continued

Vyhraj anglické knihy, či kurz kreatívneho písania v angličtine

Ďakujeme veľmi pekne za všetky príspevky do našej súťaže Poézia knižnej väzby. Počet zaslaných básní výrazne predčil naše očakávania a budeme potrebovať o niečo viac času, aby sme všetko pripravili na spustenie hlasovania. Zatiaľ ďakujeme za trpezlivosť. We would like to thank you very much for all your contributions to our Book Spine Poetry Contest. … Continued