Poznáte anglické vianočné tradície? Zopakujte si ich spolu s nami v novom vianočnom kvíze a porovnajte si výsledky so svojimi blízkymi. Kto zvíťazí a kto sa naučí najviac nového? Prajeme príjemnú zábavu. Have fun! :slightly_smiling_face:
During which time period was Christmas banned in England?
Traditionally, on which day are you supposed to hang your stockings?
Traditionally, which vegetable are you supposed to hide in the Christmas tree?
Traditionally, what are you supposed to do on Stir-up Sunday?
What do people always put in a Christmas Pudding in United Kingdom?
Why is Boxing Day called Boxing Day?
What was an ‘Ashen Faggot’, commonly made on Christmas Eve in the Dartmoor?
During the 1600s, what did people offer their neighbours at Christmas going door-to-door
In which century did Christmas start to be important in England?
Why are the ’12 Days of Christmas’ important tradition in England?
In the 12 Days of Christmas – traditional Christmas carol, how many pipers are piping?
What date you should have your Christmas decorations down by?
What is the important thing that happens at 3pm on Christmas Day?
What has been voted England’s favourite Christmas carol?
In ‘The Twelve Days of Christmas’, how many gifts did my true love actually gives me?