Poznáte anglické vianočné tradície? Zopakujte si ich spolu s nami v novom vianočnom kvíze a porovnajte si výsledky so svojimi blízkymi. Kto zvíťazí a kto sa naučí najviac nového? Prajeme príjemnú zábavu. Have fun! :slightly_smiling_face:
In which country could you, if you wanted, visit ‘Santa’s village’ 365 days a year?
What is the best-selling Christmas song of all time?
But what is the most recorded Christmas song/carol of all time?
The Russian name for Santa Claus translates to……
A basic true or false for you here – the fat Santa in a red suit was first created by Coca-Cola for their advertising campaign
His English name – Santa Claus, comes from Sinter Klaas – but which language is that?
Where in the world would you not find Christmas island?
A little Mathematics question for you….. If you gave someone all of the presents listed in the Christmas carol “the Twelve days of Christmas”, how many gifts would you give someone in total?
The inspiration for Santa Claus, St Nicholas, was born in which modern-day country?
What is the highest ‘grossing’ (made the most money) Christmas film ever?
Which country is said to have started the tradition of the Christmas trees?
Which people are credited as starting the tradition of leaving food out for Santa?
Approximately how many Americans end up in hospital every year for decorating related injuries?
The term ‘Xmas’ is sometimes considered a new phenomenon, but approximately when was it first recorded?
A fun fact for the last question – what is the ‘traditional’ Christmas meal in Japan?